[-] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] [\]
fact → 4failed → prn2pdf failed on landscape documents (29.03.05) → runpy.exe failed when frozen (11.12.05) → win32ui: CDC::TextOut failed - The parameter is incorrect. (10.08.06) → Test 77 failed (19.09.06) → Solved: TextOut failed (13.08.06) → sync --ignore failed to ignore directory names (20.05.07)
failing → Some tests still failing (26.02.06)
fails → commit fails (27.05.06) → Test 73 fails (30.08.06)
failure → runtests now stops upon first error or failure (03.05.05)
failures → Test failures resolved (21.09.06)
Features → Features
feedback → notice()
fetchall → fetchall() → Query.fetchall() (29.08.05)
fictive → Why does TextPrinter emulate only a fictive printer?
field → Field → The first Raceman installation on the field (13.03.05)
fields → Boolean fields (14.07.05)
File → file references don't work (13.01.05) → Xbase File Format Description → idea: use a lino.cfg file? (18.02.06) → Extracting text content from a PDF file (25.07.05) → testing whether stdout is redirected to a file (22.08.05) → jpgrename no longer asks for every file (11.01.06) → 77 → 32
filenames → Non-Ascii filenames (12.10.06) → sync and Unicode filenames (03.01.07)
fileref → fileref links on the website finally work (06.05.05)
files → Files → jpgrename for avi files (30.10.05) → 32 → 73 → Runtime data files (05.09.05) → How to read Excel's .xls files (22.03.06) → Examples of textprinter input files → copyright notices in Lino files (13.01.05) → Extracting text from PDF files (13.03.06)
Filter → Filter → filter() → Query: findone(), filter() and child() (23.03.06)
filters → filters1.py → filters2.py → filters → filters on subqueries: first success (06.05.05) → filters1.py needs DetailColumn (04.03.06) → subqueries and filters (29.04.05)
finally → fileref links on the website finally work (06.05.05)
find → Cannot find Directories row (21.05.05) → pygettext.py doesn't find messages (14.03.05)
findone → findone() → Query: findone(), filter() and child() (23.03.06)
firebird → firebird → Trying firebird instead of sqlite (06.09.05) → working on firebird connection (07.09.05) → Started firebird database driver (06.09.05)
first → 63 → 64 → first lino.forms examples did work (15.01.05) → The first Raceman installation on the field (13.03.05) → first subquery working (02.05.05) → first successes with cherrypy as toolkit (23.01.06) → A first use case for PdfMaker (23.09.06) → filters on subqueries: first success (06.05.05) → runtests now stops upon first error or failure (03.05.05)
fixed → Fixed bugs → fixed: risizing form doesn't resize content (18.01.05) → fixed tests 11 and 42 (01.03.06) → fixed test 19 (03.03.06) → fixed point mathematics (06.04.06) → fixed: bug in prnprint 0.6.19 (29.08.06) → fixed a typo bug in synchronizer.py (29.05.07) → sendmail.py: several bugs fixed (06.06.07)
fixedpoint → fixedpoint → "fixedpoint" is called "decimal" (25.05.06)
flaws → Solved flaws of the test suite (23.01.06) → Cosmetic flaws (23.07.06)
follows → customize
font → Font height/width ratio with Win32TextPrinter (22.09.06) → setCpi() → Win32TextPrinter and font width/height ratio (02.06.05) → PdfTextPrinter now digests any font size (20.01.07) → prnprint computed wrong font size (13.01.05) → prnprint used an unexpected font (15.10.06) → ratio_size2leading
fontDict → Win32TextPrinter uses LOGFONT instead of fontDict (12.08.06)
fonts → sizes of fonts and images (23.10.06) → Re: sizes of fonts and images (24.10.06)
fontsize → ratio_size2leading
forgetSQL → forgetSQL
form → Form → Form → Form.addDataEntry() (19.01.05) → form, application, session, toolkit and console (08.03.06) → The docstring of a form (18.07.06) → GUI → fixed: risizing form doesn't resize content (18.01.05) → Inserting rows in a form (10.04.06) → Inserting rows in a form (13.04.06) → Inserting rows in a form (16.04.06) → Inserting rows in a form (18.04.06) → UI
Format → format() → Xbase File Format Description → RFC 2822 : Internet Message Format → Using OpenOffice.org's XML Data Format
formColumnGroups → formColumnGroups works (31.07.05) → started formColumnGroups (26.07.05)
forms → forms (define your user interface) → forms1.py → forms2.py → forms3.py → forms4.py → forms → forms → forms.tixforms now shows tabular data (11.02.06) → forms.tixforms.DataGrid and column widths (11.02.06) → Forms now implemented as subclasses (11.03.06) → ledger_forms → lino.forms.keyboard is evolving (27.05.06) → started lino.forms (13.01.05) → first lino.forms examples did work (15.01.05) → continued on lino.forms (17.01.05) → Raceman now a complete Forms application (26.01.05) → Merge gendoc and forms? (26.05.06) → About lino.forms.keyboard (27.05.06) → started lino.forms.qt (17.01.07) → event handling in lino.forms (21.01.05) → Note about testing forms (22.01.06) → EasyGUI another concurrent for lino.forms (24.02.05) → Dependencies between Session and lino.forms (25.01.06) → lino.forms : data grid and sata entry forms work (18.01.05)
formula → ratio_size2leading
forum → moved normalDate from forum to lino.tools (04.01.05)
framework → yet another data application framework (07.12.05)
French → guesslang now supports French (08.04.06)
frist → Raceman, the frist Lino application (17.01.05)
from → Switched from Webman to TIM (29.12.04) → moved from sourceforge.net to berlios.de (20.03.05) → Recovering from api changes (31.05.05) → Switching from wxPython to Tkinter (31.12.05) → Upgrading Debian from Woody to Sarge (testing) → 21 → moved normalDate from forum to lino.tools (04.01.05) → moving away from a singleton console (12.03.05) → Extracting text from PDF files (13.03.06) → mirror loading from DBF reanimated (24.07.06) → Invoking diag.py from PythonWin (10.08.06) → Using OpenOffice from Python (04.10.06) → 6 → 27 → Extracting text content from a PDF file (25.07.05) → Where the Runtime Data comes from → customize → scripts → gui
frozen → frozen GUI applications and console output (09.03.05) → frozen console applications with non-ascii chars (10.03.05) → runpy.exe failed when frozen (11.12.05)
Full-Text → indexed Full-Text search (28.02.05) → Developing a Full-Text Indexer in Python (2001)
function → New function ispure() (26.02.06)
functional → Testcases again functional (02.09.05) → test suite again functional (28.05.06)
functionality → Task