[-] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] [\]
Dabo → DaboDarwin → Darwin Information Typing Architecture (22.07.05)
data → data → Runtime data files (05.09.05) → yet another data application framework (07.12.05) → New demo data for Contacts (31.03.06) → Where the Runtime Data comes from → lino.forms : data grid and sata entry forms work (18.01.05) → Using OpenOffice.org's XML Data Format → reports: render tabular data → Using Reports to write data (22.04.06) → forms.tixforms now shows tabular data (11.02.06)
DataApplication → DataApplication
database → Database → database → sqlite: database table is locked (28.08.05) → Changed database structure in Contacts (24.03.06) → DBO: Python Database Objects → PDO (Python Database Objects) → Python Database API Specification v2.0 (1999) → Multiple connections per database → 22 → Started firebird database driver (06.09.05) → 4 → sql2value() → 6 → 18
DatabaseOverview → DatabaseOverview
databases → Populating databases
Datagrid → DataGrid → DataGrid → forms.tixforms.DataGrid and column widths (11.02.06)
DataGridCtrl → DataGridCtrl
DataReport → DataReport
DataRow → DataRow → DataRow.vetoDelete() rewritten (04.03.06) → DataRow design considerations (31.03.06) → simplify DataRow? (03.03.06)
Datasource → Datasource becomes a Query (03.05.05)
datatype → New datatype AsciiType (08.04.06)
datatypes → datatypes → about datatypes (20.01.05)
DateEquals → DateEquals
dates → Querying dates with kinterbasdb (07.09.05)
DBAPI → DBAPI 2.0 and cursor.rowcount (01.05.05) → pysqlite2.dbapi2.OperationalError (04.06.05) → 25
dbds → dbds
DbfMirrorLoader → DbfMirrorLoader → DbfMirrorLoader demo (25.07.06)
dbforms → dbforms
dbfreader → dbfreader → DbfReader converts empty strings to None (24.09.05) → dbfreader.py (2001) → started with dbfreader (04.01.05)
DbMainForm → DbMainForm
DbSession → dbsession → DbSession → DbSession no longer a Session (01.07.05) → DbSession again a Session (07.07.05)
Debian → Debian installation notes → Upgrading Debian from Woody to Sarge (testing) → not yet ready to run on a stable Debian (02.02.06)
debug → TextPrinters now use Session.debug() (11.08.06)
decimal → "fixedpoint" is called "decimal" (25.05.06)
default → [DEFAULT] → How to change the default console codepage (11.09.06) → Setting buttons on a Panel as default button (21.01.05) → setlocalencoding() → diag.py shows information about Windows default printer (25.05.06)
defaultButton → storing entries before defaultButton.click() (23.01.05)
Deferred → Generalization of Deferred Execution in Python
define → New strategy to define application reports (13.02.06)
Defines → datatypes → Describable → anyrange → UI
definition → change table definition syntax (12.08.05)
definitions → datatypes
deleteAll → Query.deleteAll() (23.05.05)
demo → demo → New demo data for Contacts (31.03.06) → 22 → ledger_demo → contacts_demo → DbfMirrorLoader demo (25.07.06) → 4 → Crash in big addrbook demo (29.08.05) → 18
Demonstrates → jobs1.py
dependencies → Dependencies between Session and lino.forms (25.01.06) → Install Python and dependencies
depending → sql2value()
depends → System Menu depends on Toolkit (25.01.06)
DeprecationWarning → DeprecationWarning during prnprint (20.05.05)
descr → descr
Describable → Describable → Describable.hasLabel() (04.03.05) → Describable.__str__() (24.09.05)
Description → Xbase File Format Description
design → DataRow design considerations (31.03.06)
Detail → Detail
DetailColumn → DetailColumn → filters1.py needs DetailColumn (04.03.06)
Details → new paradigm for Details (04.03.06)
DetailValue → DetailValue
devcaps → devcaps
Developing → Developing a Full-Text Indexer in Python (2001)
devmode → Setting devmode.Orientation when creating the DC (09.08.06)
diag → diag.py → diag → diag.py shows information about Windows default printer (25.05.06) → UnicodeEncodeError in diag.py (15.06.06) → Invoking diag.py from PythonWin (10.08.06)
Dialog → Dialog → Python Dialog → Keeper's search dialog works (15.07.05) → Keeper now with «Search» dialog (17.04.05)
DICT → The DICT protocol (27.10.05)
Dictionary → RFC 2229 : A Dictionary Server Protocol
didn → sync didn't work (12.04.06)
different → shared tables with different language contexts (19.01.05) → 75
digests → PdfTextPrinter now digests any font size (20.01.07)
directly → scripts
Directories → Cannot find Directories row (21.05.05)
directory → new directory rtlib/emacs (22.02.06) → move all test cases to a single directory (06.06.05) → sync --ignore failed to ignore directory names (20.05.07)
DirsSync → DirsSync → discovered DirsSync (17.02.05)
discovered → discovered DirsSync (17.02.05) → Discovered HyperText (18.11.05)
display → notice() → 49
Displaying → Displaying an application as a static website (03.06.05)
displays → sysinfo displays result of EnumFontFamilies() (08.09.06)
dist → mkdist now writes a dist.log (15.01.05)
DocIndexer → DocIndexer
docs → docs → 32
docstring → The docstring of a form (18.07.06)
doctest → doctest versus unittest (06.04.06)
Document → Document → KnowledgeTree Document Management System → SpreadsheetDocument → TextDocument → 75
documentation → Documentation → prn2pdf → diag → sync → sendmail → prnprint → laulud.py
documented → 32
documents → use OpenOffice to process documents? (26.03.05) → prn2pdf failed on landscape documents (29.03.05) → oogen
docutils → docutils
Does → Why does TextPrinter emulate only a fictive printer? → 22 → 4
doesn → pygettext.py doesn't find messages (14.03.05) → fixed: risizing form doesn't resize content (18.01.05)
done → Job.done() without message (22.05.05) → PRJ#42: done (05.03.06) → 33 → Calling Job.done() earlier than thought (17.06.05) → Projects marked "done"
DOSPrint → DOSPrint 2.5.4
DOSPrinter → DOSPrinter
Download → Download
Drafts → Drafts
drawDebugRaster → drawDebugRaster()
Driver → new TIM driver PRNPRINT.DRV (28.04.05) → Windows Console Driver → Started firebird database driver (06.09.05)
dummy → dummy
during → DeprecationWarning during prnprint (20.05.05) → Exceptions during Task in GUI (22.05.05) → show GUI console window during startup (13.03.05)
dyndns → lsaffre.dyndns.org moved to new server (26.12.04) → Lino now hosted on lsaffre.dyndns.org (30.07.04)