[-] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] [\]
handle → format() → parse()handling → event handling in lino.forms (21.01.05)
hasLabel → Describable.hasLabel() (04.03.05)
have → wxWindows keycodes have changed (03.01.07)
Hebrew → «Hebrew transformation» bug (20.09.05) → Hebrew transformation again (25.07.06) → Script for reproducing the hebrew transformation (23.09.05)
height → Font height/width ratio with Win32TextPrinter (22.09.06) → Win32TextPrinter and font width/height ratio (02.06.05)
hello → release 0.6.8 (hello) (12.04.05)
high-level → Task
HigherLevelDatabaseProgramming → HigherLevelDatabaseProgramming
holds → gui
hosted → Lino now hosted on lsaffre.dyndns.org (30.07.04)
hotkey → HK_CHAR
html → html → new script html2oo (16.01.05) → moved html2oo to sandbox (17.01.05) → Importing HTML to OpenOffice (20.04.06) → 6 → markup.py 1.5 - a lightweight HTML/XML generator (07.09.06)
HtmlDocument → Working on HtmlDocument (24.09.05) → Working on HtmlDocument (13.10.05)
HTMLgen → HTMLgen
htmlprn → new textprinter: htmlprn (03.01.05)
HtmlTextPrinter → HtmlTextPrinter → 75 → TextPrinter
human-readable → raceman now writes human-readable times to arrivals.txt (21.01.05)
HyperText → HyperText → Discovered HyperText (18.11.05) → Replace Hypertext with XIST? (20.01.06) → Replace HyperText with pyWeb? (22.01.06)