[-] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] [\]
idea → idea: use a lino.cfg file? (18.02.06)ignore → sync --ignore failed to ignore directory names (20.05.07)
image → absolute image position for TextPrinter (28.11.06) → insertImage()
images → prnprint and images (28.04.05) → TextPrinter and images (12.08.06) → sizes of fonts and images (23.10.06) → Re: sizes of fonts and images (24.10.06)
Imaging → Python Imaging Library (PIL)
implement → Task
implementation → Task
implementations → gui
implemented → CLI → GUI → Forms now implemented as subclasses (11.03.06) → UI
implementor → implementor's unit → length2i() → lineWidth()
Implements → months
ImportError → ImportError: No module named reportlab.lib → ImportError: No module named xml.sax.saxutils (05.09.06) → sendmail.py: ImportError: No module named generator (08.05.07)
Importing → Importing HTML to OpenOffice (20.04.06)
inch → setCpi()
included → openurl.py again included in TIM tools (05.04.05) → scripts
incorrect → win32ui: CDC::TextOut failed - The parameter is incorrect. (10.08.06)
indexed → indexed Full-Text search (28.02.05)
Indexer → Developing a Full-Text Indexer in Python (2001)
indexing → indexing_be → 51 → Price indexing using the Belgian «indice santé» (19.07.05) → updated indexing_be (07.03.06)
indicates → prnprint indicates where it prints (09.04.07)
indice → Price indexing using the Belgian «indice santé» (19.07.05)
info → renamed info() to notice() (12.03.05)
Information → Information For Maintainers of GNU Software → Darwin Information Typing Architecture (22.07.05) → General information about copyrights (2005) → diag.py shows information about Windows default printer (25.05.06)
inherits → GUI → SpreadsheetDocument → TextDocument → PointerColumn
init → changed syntax for Table.init() (11.01.05)
initTable → initTable()
InnoSetup → InnoSetup
input → Examples of textprinter input files
insertImage → insertImage() → Win32TextPrinter.insertImage() inserts at wrong position (19.01.07) → Working on Win32TextPrinter.insertImage() (04.02.07) → Working on Win32TextPrinter.insertImage() (05.02.07)
Inserting → Inserting rows in a form (10.04.06) → Inserting rows in a form (13.04.06) → Inserting rows in a form (16.04.06) → Inserting rows in a form (18.04.06) → Inserting rows in Contacts (13.09.06)
inserts → Win32TextPrinter.insertImage() inserts at wrong position (19.01.07)
inspecting → inspecting PmwContribD (12.02.06)
Install → Install Python and dependencies
Installation → Installation → 0.6.7 installation report (07.04.05) → Debian installation notes → The first Raceman installation on the field (13.03.05)
installed → oogen
Installer → McMillan Installer
Installing → Installing python-sqlite on Woody → Installing ipcheck.py
instances → gui
instanciate → gui
instead → ReportRow.values instead of .cells (13.07.05) → Trying firebird instead of sqlite (06.09.05) → Win32TextPrinter uses LOGFONT instead of fontDict (12.08.06)
Integrating → Integrating PyQt into Lino (18.01.07)
intended → customize
interactions → UI
interface → Describable → gui → sql2value()
Internet → RFC 2822 : Internet Message Format
interruptible → jobs now interruptible (18.04.05)
Interruption → Working on the Exception/Interruption manager (25.01.06)
into → Integrating PyQt into Lino (18.01.07) → sync no longer recurses into subdirs (24.11.05) → runtests.py no longer recurses into subdirectories (27.02.06)
Introduction → Introduction → An Introduction to Tkinter (1999)
invoice → 66 → 23
invoked → 49 → scripts
Invoking → Invoking diag.py from PythonWin (10.08.06)
ipcheck → Installing ipcheck.py
iso- → unknown encoding: iso-8859-1 (06.04.05)
ispure → ispure() → New function ispure() (26.02.06)