[-] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] [\]
same → check_same_thread (18.11.05) → 75 → 32sandbox → sandbox → moved html2oo to sandbox (17.01.05)
santé → Price indexing using the Belgian «indice santé» (19.07.05)
Sarge → Upgrading Debian from Woody to Sarge (testing)
sata → lino.forms : data grid and sata entry forms work (18.01.05)
saxutils → xml.sax.saxutils no longer missing (22.09.06) → ImportError: No module named xml.sax.saxutils (05.09.06)
Schema → schema → Schema → Merged Schema and AdamoApplication (22.05.05)
script → new script: oogen (03.01.05) → new script html2oo (16.01.05) → Script for reproducing the hebrew transformation (23.09.05) → New script sysinfo.py (25.05.06) → 27
Scripts → scripts → lino.scripts → wrapper for the lino scripts (14.01.05) → lino.scripts now contains real scripts (13.03.06)
Scrollbars → Scrollbars of the wxGrid (20.07.06)
search → Keeper's search dialog works (15.07.05) → 10 → indexed Full-Text search (28.02.05) → Keeper now with «Search» dialog (17.04.05)
self → self._sqlName (14.09.05)
send → Using Thunderbird to edit and send generated e-mails (11.05.06)
sender → sendmail.py and non-ascii sender (07.06.07)
sendmail → sendmail.py → sendmail → Sendmail logging (26.08.05) → sendmail.py: ImportError: No module named generator (08.05.07) → sendmail.py: several bugs fixed (06.06.07) → sendmail.py and non-ascii sender (07.06.07) → The resurrection of sendmail.py (03.05.07)
server → RFC 2229 : A Dictionary Server Protocol → lsaffre.dyndns.org moved to new server (26.12.04)
Session → Session → Session.showForm() (24.09.05) → TextPrinters now use Session.debug() (11.08.06) → jobs1.py → DbSession no longer a Session (01.07.05) → DbSession again a Session (07.07.05) → Dependencies between Session and lino.forms (25.01.06) → form, application, session, toolkit and console (08.03.06) → system console and system session (01.07.05)
Sessions → Sessions, Tasks & Co (09.12.05)
setCpi → setCpi()
setlocalencoding → setlocalencoding() in site.py no longer necessary (09.10.06) → setlocalencoding()
setLpi → prnprint now supports setLpi() (14.01.05)
sets → setlocalencoding()
Setting → Setting buttons on a Panel as default button (21.01.05) → Setting devmode.Orientation when creating the DC (09.08.06)
setup → changed command-line parser setup (19.04.05)
setupMenu → setupMenu() → setupMenu() → Navigator, Report and setupMenu() (18.07.05)
SetWorldTransform → Printing in landscape using SetWorldTransform() (28.04.05)
several → sendmail.py: several bugs fixed (06.06.07)
Shared → Shared tables → shared tables with different language contexts (19.01.05)
should → why i should use the logging module (09.05.06)
show → show GUI console window during startup (13.03.05)
showAbout → ui.showAbout() (01.03.05)
showForm → Session.showForm() (24.09.05)
showProgress → about the showProgress option for sync (14.03.05)
shows → diag.py shows information about Windows default printer (25.05.06) → forms.tixforms now shows tabular data (11.02.06)
shutdown → automatic shutdown (12.01.05)
similar → prnprint and prn2pdf now produce similar output (06.02.07)
Simple → RFC 2821 : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SimpleHtmlDocument → SimpleHtmlDocument
simplify → simplify DataRow? (03.03.06)
single → move all test cases to a single directory (06.06.05) → HK_CHAR
singleton → moving away from a singleton console (12.03.05) → gui
site → setlocalencoding() in site.py no longer necessary (09.10.06)
sitecustomize → sitecustomize.py → moved sitecustomize.py (11.03.06) → customize
size → setCpi() → PdfTextPrinter now digests any font size (20.01.07) → prnprint computed wrong font size (13.01.05) → ratio_size2leading
sizes → sizes of fonts and images (23.10.06) → Re: sizes of fonts and images (24.10.06)
slow → explanation for slow startup (12.04.05)
snapshot → Get an SVN snapshot → Lino snapshot on a Windows PC (10.08.06)
Software → Information For Maintainers of GNU Software
solution → a clever solution (22.03.06)
Solved → Solved flaws of the test suite (23.01.06) → Solved: TextOut failed (13.08.06)
solves → pysqlite 2.0.4 solves the crash (12.09.05)
some → some tests were broken (11.02.06) → Some tests still failing (26.02.06) → some timtools broken in 0.6.20 (21.09.06)
source → sync now accepts "\\computer\path" as source or target (11.12.06)
sourceforge → moved from sourceforge.net to berlios.de (20.03.05)
spacing → about line spacing (23.10.06) → ratio_size2leading
Specification → Python Database API Specification v2.0 (1999)
specified → sql2value()
Specifying → Specifying page margin in TextPrinter() (05.02.07) → setCpi()
spool → 77
Spreadsheet → oogen
SpreadsheetDocument → SpreadsheetDocument
sprl → sprl1.py → sprl2.py → sprl → Ledger replaces Sprl (16.08.05)
SQLAlchemy → SQLAlchemy (16.08.06)
SqlConnection → SqlConnection
sqlite → sqlite_dbd → sqlite: database table is locked (28.08.05) → sqlite and multi-threaded access (16.11.05) → Is crash due to sqlite? (05.09.05) → Trying firebird instead of sqlite (06.09.05)
sqlName → self._sqlName (14.09.05)
sqlobject → SQLObject
src\lino\runscript → moved src\lino\timtools\call.py to src\lino\runscript.py (27.01.05)
src\lino\timtools\call → moved src\lino\timtools\call.py to src\lino\runscript.py (27.01.05)
stable → not yet ready to run on a stable Debian (02.02.06)
standard → use standard Python logging module? (10.03.05) → Standard names for common keyboard events (22.06.06) → UI
start → Why did you start your own project? → start to make use of Lupy (13.04.05) → Task
started → started with dbfreader (04.01.05) → started lino.forms (13.01.05) → started using 0.6.3 (16.02.05) → Started Keeper (20.02.05) → started formColumnGroups (26.07.05) → Started firebird database driver (06.09.05) → started to play with Pmw (10.02.06) → started lino.forms.qt (17.01.07) → Getting started with Lupy (05.04.05) → getting started with PyQt (10.01.07)
startup → startup() → startup() → explanation for slow startup (12.04.05) → 22 → 4 → show GUI console window during startup (13.03.05)
statements → 25
static → 6 → Displaying an application as a static website (03.06.05)
status → status
stdin → prn2pdf now uses sys.stdin.encoding (25.03.05)
stdout → testing whether stdout is redirected to a file (22.08.05)
still → still encoding (21.02.06) → Still working on tests (15.03.06) → Some tests still failing (26.02.06)
stopped → Why I stopped to use wxPython (06.03.06)
stops → runtests now stops upon first error or failure (03.05.05)
Store → store → Store → New method Store.query() (24.01.05)
storing → storing entries before defaultButton.click() (23.01.05)
strategy → New strategy to define application reports (13.02.06)
string → comparing Unicode and string (16.10.06) → format() → parse() → sql2value()
strings → empty strings or NULL (15.07.05) → pysqlite and unicode strings (01.05.05) → DbfReader converts empty strings to None (24.09.05)
StringType → StringType
structure → Changed database structure in Contacts (24.03.06)
Styles → 64
subclass → gui
subclassable → subclassable Tasks (13.03.06)
subclasses → Forms now implemented as subclasses (11.03.06)
subdirectories → runtests.py no longer recurses into subdirectories (27.02.06)
subdirs → sync no longer recurses into subdirs (24.11.05)
subqueries → subqueries and filters (29.04.05) → filters on subqueries: first success (06.05.05)
subquery → first subquery working (02.05.05)
SUBST → Crash is because of SUBST (05.09.05) → Crash is not because of SUBST (06.09.05)
success → filters on subqueries: first success (06.05.05)
successes → first successes with cherrypy as toolkit (23.01.06)
successor → Lino is the successor for TIM
suite → Lino is a suite of Python packages → test suite again functional (28.05.06) → Solved flaws of the test suite (23.01.06)
support → lino sync: support for multiple --ignore (04.06.07)
supports → prnprint now supports setLpi() (14.01.05) → sync now supports multiple projects (25.11.05) → guesslang now supports French (08.04.06) → oogen
Surf → Surf notes
swallowed → prnprint swallowed empty lines (17.10.05)
switch → 21
Switched → Switched from Webman to TIM (29.12.04)
Switching → Switching from wxPython to Tkinter (31.12.05)
sync → sync → sync → sync completely rewritten (17.02.05) → sync no longer recurses into subdirs (24.11.05) → sync now supports multiple projects (25.11.05) → sync didn't work (12.04.06) → sync.py's verbosity (12.06.06) → Sync broken in 0.6.20 and 0.6.19 (06.09.06) → sync now accepts "\\computer\path" as source or target (11.12.06) → sync: new command-line option "--ignore" (16.12.06) → sync and Unicode filenames (03.01.07) → sync --ignore failed to ignore directory names (20.05.07) → working on sync (17.02.05) → UnicodeEncodeError in Sync when exefied (06.10.06) → lino sync: support for multiple --ignore (04.06.07) → about the showProgress option for sync (14.03.05) → removed --progress command line option of sync (12.10.06)
synchonizer → synchonizer
Synchronizer → Synchronizer → fixed a typo bug in synchronizer.py (29.05.07) → Task
syntax → changed syntax for Table.init() (11.01.05) → change table definition syntax (12.08.05)
SyntaxError → SyntaxError after upgrade 2.3.4 to 2.4.1 (06.09.05)
syscon → syscon → syscon now creates an automatic Application (13.08.06)
sysinfo → sysinfo → sysinfo → sysinfo displays result of EnumFontFamilies() (08.09.06) → New script sysinfo.py (25.05.06)
system → System Menu depends on Toolkit (25.01.06) → prnprint on system with codepage 437 (17.11.05) → system console and system session (01.07.05) → setlocalencoding() → Planning the Lino versioning system (25.01.05) → KnowledgeTree Document Management System