Type: Python Package
- 34 (Python module or package)
- 42 (Python module or package) — Basic Keeper test.
- 32 (Python module or package) — Test whether the *.py files in docs/examples execute, and whether their output is the same as the content of the corresponding *.out file. These «tested examples» are documented in Examples.
- 25 (Python module or package) — Trying to reproduce «pysqlite2.dbapi2.OperationalError: cannot commit transaction - SQL statements in progress»
- 6 (Python module or package) — Generate static HTML from content of a database.
- 43 (Python module or package)
- 63 (Python module or package) — First oogen TestCase.
- 64 (Python module or package) — First Styles. oogen.TextDocument with a right-aligned paragraph.
- 65 (Python module or package) — Testing Element.__xml__() method.
- 66 (Python module or package) — A real invoice, generated as TextDocument.
- 33 (Python module or package) — Calling Job.done() earlier than thought.
- 45 (Python module or package)
- 47 (Python module or package)
- 51 (Python module or package) — Tests indexing_be and months.
- testdata (file) : lino:tests/testdata/jona.txt , lino:tests/testdata/eupen.pdf , lino:docs/examples/gendoc/gendoc1.py , lino:docs/examples/gendoc/gendoc2.py , lino:docs/examples/gendoc/gendoc3.py , lino:docs/examples/gendoc/gendoc7.py , lino:docs/examples/gendoc/gendoc6.py , lino:tests/testdata/cp437box.txt , lino:docs/examples/gendoc/laulud.py ,
- 46 (Python module or package)
- 21 (Python module or package) — Currency switch from BEF to EUR for all Belgian partners.
- 78 (Python module or package)
- 22 (Python module or package) — Does the big demo database startup?
- 23 (Python module or package) — Create an invoice for a table and 4 chairs.
- 27 (Python module or package) — Executes plain SQL code from an sql script on a pysqlite :memory: connection.
- 10 (Python module or package) — be.cities.query(search="eup")
- 18 (Python module or package) — German nation names in a multilingual big addrbook demo database.
- 72 (Python module or package)
- 40 (Python module or package)
- 20 (Python module or package)
- 79 (Python module or package)
- 11 (Python module or package)
- 19 (Python module or package)
- 80 (Python module or package)
- 81 (Python module or package)
- 4 (Python module or package) — Does the contacts demo database startup(). This is in fact more thoroughly covered by test#34.
- 52 (Python module or package) — Tests guessenc.
- 50 (Python module or package) — Tests the guesslang module.
- 82 (Python module or package)
- 77 (Python module or package) — Uses Win32TextPrinter to print to a temporary spool file.
- 73 (Python module or package) — Tests prnprint and prn2pdf on the files in
- 75 (Python module or package) — Uses Win32TextPrinter,PdfTextPrinter, PlainTextPrinter and HtmlTextPrinter to output a same document to the different printers.
- 49 (Python module or package) — Tests whether all timtools display their usage message when invoked with --help.
- 83 (Python module or package)
- 8 (Python module or package)
Refering articles:
- runtests.py no longer recurses into subdirectories (code changes 27.02.06) — runtests.py no longer recurses into subdirectories. Because I will probably never use this. more
- move all test cases to a single directory (06.06.05) — I realized that it was a bad idea to classify test cases by putting them into separate subdirectories of tests. Started to move them all into the main directory.