[-] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] [\]
name → Why the name «Lino»? → Describablenamed → No module named sip (07.02.07) → ImportError: No module named reportlab.lib → ImportError: No module named xml.sax.saxutils (05.09.06) → sendmail.py: ImportError: No module named generator (08.05.07)
names → Standard names for common keyboard events (22.06.06) → 18 → sync --ignore failed to ignore directory names (20.05.07)
nation → Nation → nation → 18
nations → Nations → nations.txt
NationsReport → NationsReport
Navigator → Navigator, Report and setupMenu() (18.07.05)
necessary → setlocalencoding() in site.py no longer necessary (09.10.06)
Needed → Needed Python modules
needing → oogen
needs → Lino needs Twisted version 1.2.0 (not 1.1.1) → filters1.py needs DetailColumn (04.03.06)
nested → MemoParser and nested tables (23.09.06)
newline → TextPrinter.newline() uses wrong leading (21.12.06)
News → News
Nice → A Nice OpenOffice API (25.10.05)
non-ascii → Non-Ascii filenames (12.10.06) → sendmail.py and non-ascii sender (07.06.07) → another article about non-ascii console (18.03.05) → frozen console applications with non-ascii chars (10.03.05)
None → DbfReader converts empty strings to None (24.09.05) → pDevMode returned by win32print.GetPrinter() is None (04.02.07) → format()
NoneType → NoneType' object has no attribute 'PaperSize' (10.01.07)
normal → notice()
normalDate → normalDate (2002) → moved normalDate from forum to lino.tools (04.01.05)
Note → Note about testing forms (22.01.06)
NotEmpty → NotEmpty
notes → wxPython notes → Release notes (obsolete) → Surf notes → Debian installation notes
notice → notice() → renamed info() to notice() (12.03.05)
notices → copyright notices in Lino files (13.01.05) → More about copyright notices (14.01.05)
NULL → empty strings or NULL (15.07.05)