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Why does TextPrinter emulate only a fictive printer?

My first plan was to emulate a real printer, for example an Epson LQ, an IBM ProPrinter or a HP Laserjet. printer so that prn2pdf and prnprint could be used by old DOS applications without any need for change.

But I dropped this idea because I wanted to extend the printing possibilities beyond the limits of physical printers. And because I don't know anybody who would need this feature.

For example, Epson LQ printers don't offer the possibility to print in Landscape mode (

I also thought to emulate HP instead of Epson (they have a Landscape mode), but HPLG is quite difficult to parse because the syntax is more complex.

Alternative products who emulate real printers: DOSPrint 2.5.4, DOS printer emulator, DOSPrinter

Copyright 2001-2007 Luc Saffre.
Generated 2007-06-07 16:24:06