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- sendmail.py and non-ascii sender (07.06.07)
- sendmail.py: several bugs fixed (06.06.07) — sendmail had problems with non-ascii headers in the message's Subject: header. New command-line option --encoding or -e to specify the encoding of the .eml file. Bugfix: It ignored Bcc: and CC: fields in the .eml file. more
- fixed a typo bug in synchronizer.py (29.05.07) — ...and committed revision 457.
- sync --ignore failed to ignore directory names (20.05.07) — If there files in the source tree that you are not allowed to read, then you must use the --ignore or -i option, otherwise sync will get a "Access is denied" error and abort. more
- tests/19.py works (13.02.07) — A severe bug due to Integrating PyQt into Lino (18.01.07) which occured most clearly in tests/19.py took me some time. The reason was that qtconn.Connection.sql2value() returned a QString object instead of UnicodeString. more
- PdfTextPrinter page margins (19.01.07) — PdfTextPrinter uses default page margins of 5mm. But the development version had a bug (probably after 20061221) which caused the margins to be 0. Fixed.
- sync and Unicode filenames (03.01.07) — sync had still some problems with certain Unicode filenames. more
- setlocalencoding() in site.py no longer necessary (09.10.06) more
- MemoParser and nested tables (23.09.06) — MemoParser now supports nested tables. (But PdfMaker cannot yet render them.) more
- Font height/width ratio with Win32TextPrinter (22.09.06) — Win32TextPrinter.setCpi() rendered the characters a little bit bigger than they should. more
- xml.sax.saxutils no longer missing (22.09.06) — Fixed ImportError: No module named xml.sax.saxutils (05.09.06). This module was explicitely excluded in mkdist.py; now it increases the zip file's size by 350 KB to almost 3 MB. more
- some timtools broken in 0.6.20 (21.09.06) — I noticed that sync, openmail, openurl and sysinfo don't work in release 0.6.20. more
- Sync broken in 0.6.20 and 0.6.19 (06.09.06) — sync was broken timtools 0.6.20 and timtools 0.6.19. Sync users should not install these releases. The problem is now fixed. Here is how it looked: more
- fixed: bug in prnprint 0.6.19 (29.08.06) — Bug fixed: prnprint printed the first page of each document using 12 cpi even if the document contained control commands to select another font size. more