- Download — The only possibly useful thing to download here is the TIM Tools installer for Win32: timtools-0.6.33-py2exe.zip. If you want to discover what Lino is, then we rather recommended to get an SVN snapshot more
- Install Python and dependencies — Lino requires Python, and probably a series of Python packages. Best practice is to install these other packages only when you get an ImportError. In this case consult the list of needed Python modules and install them as needed. more
- Get an SVN snapshot — For the moment it is advisable to get the Lino sources by checking out a SVN snapshot from the SVN archive developer.berlios.de/svn/?group_id=2938 rather than downloading a zip file with the sources. more
- Add Lino to your Python path — Basically you just add the src directory of your local copy (e.g. /mnt/snapshots/lino/src or c:\snapshot\lino\lino\src) to your computer's Python path. more
- error messages : ImportError: No module named reportlab.lib , UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character... ,
- Debian installation notes — List of recommended Debian packages: more
- set local encoding — (Obsolete after 20061012.) You may also decide to use Lino's setlocalencoding() method by calling it from your sitecustomize.py: more