[-] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] [\]
unexpected → prnprint used an unexpected font (15.10.06)Unicode → unicode → pysqlite and unicode strings (01.05.05) → comparing Unicode and string (16.10.06) → sync and Unicode filenames (03.01.07) → Python Unicode Tutorial → Python and Unicode
UnicodeEncodeError → UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character... → UnicodeEncodeError (19.02.06) → UnicodeEncodeError in diag.py (15.06.06) → UnicodeEncodeError (13.08.06) → UnicodeEncodeError in Sync when exefied (06.10.06)
unit → implementor's unit → length2i() → lineWidth()
unittest → doctest versus unittest (06.04.06)
unknown → unknown encoding: iso-8859-1 (06.04.05)
updated → updated reportlab version (12.04.05) → updated indexing_be (07.03.06) → Updated textprinter1.py example (11.08.06)
updateRow → updateRow() → updateRow() and validators (31.08.05) → more: updateRow() and validators (03.09.05) → more: updateRow() and validators (3) (05.09.05)
upgrade → SyntaxError after upgrade 2.3.4 to 2.4.1 (06.09.05)
upgraded → upgraded wxPython (22.01.05)
Upgrading → Upgrading Debian from Woody to Sarge (testing) → upgrading pysqlite on Leo (29.04.05)
upon → runtests now stops upon first error or failure (03.05.05)
Urwid → Urwid
usage → 49
used → prnprint used an unexpected font (15.10.06) → HK_CHAR → customize → ratio_size2leading
useless → Removed useless i18n warning (28.04.06)
User → prn2pdf → diag → sync → sendmail → prnprint → gui → Task → notice() → UI
users → Tkinter menus for keyboard users (03.01.06)
uses → 77 → 75 → prn2pdf now uses sys.stdin.encoding (25.03.05) → lino now uses OptionParser (06.03.06) → Win32TextPrinter uses LOGFONT instead of fontDict (12.08.06) → Lino now uses Python 2.5 (22.12.06) → TextPrinter.newline() uses wrong leading (21.12.06)
useWorldTransform → new option useWorldTransform for prnprint (16.12.05)
Using → Using Reports to write data (22.04.06) → Using Thunderbird to edit and send generated e-mails (11.05.06) → Using OpenOffice from Python (04.10.06) → Using OpenOffice.org's XML Data Format → started using 0.6.3 (16.02.05) → Price indexing using the Belgian «indice santé» (19.07.05) → Printing in landscape using SetWorldTransform() (28.04.05) → printing multiple copies using prnprint (28.06.05) → ratio_size2leading