[-] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] [\]
calc → oogencalculate → ratio_size2leading
called → "fixedpoint" is called "decimal" (25.05.06)
caller → format() → parse()
Calling → 33 → Calling Job.done() earlier than thought (17.06.05)
calls → Win32TextPrinter now calls win32print.OpenPrinter() (23.05.06) → Win32TextPrinter no longer calls OpenPrinter() (25.05.06)
Cannot → Cannot find Directories row (21.05.05) → 25
CaptureConsole → CaptureConsole
case → A first use case for PdfMaker (23.09.06) → format() → parse()
cases → waiting test cases (04.05.05) → move all test cases to a single directory (06.06.05)
cells → ReportRow.values instead of .cells (13.07.05)
center → center → new Center.connect() (02.03.05)
certain → months
chairs → 23
change → change table definition syntax (12.08.05) → How to change the default console codepage (11.09.06)
changed → changed syntax for Table.init() (11.01.05) → changed command-line parser setup (19.04.05) → Changed database structure in Contacts (24.03.06) → wxWindows keycodes have changed (03.01.07)
ChangeManager → ChangeManager
Changes → Changes on this Website → Changes in prnprint (12.08.06) → Code changes → lots of changes (27.01.05) → lots of changes (28.01.05) → lots of changes (26.02.05) → more changes (25.05.05) → lots of changes (07.06.05) → lots of changes (08.06.05) → miscellaneous changes (11.07.05) → miscellaneous changes (09.04.06) → Managing changes (16.04.06) → Recovering from api changes (31.05.05)
Changing → Changing the primary key of a row (24.03.06)
CHAR → HK_CHAR → Moved HK_CHAR (25.01.06)
character → UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character... → HK_CHAR
characters → prn2pdf renders box characters (21.10.06) → setCpi()
chars → frozen console applications with non-ascii chars (10.03.05)
chcp → prnprint and chcp (10.09.06)
check → check_same_thread (18.11.05)
checkins → Code checkins
cherrygui → cherrygui.py
CherryPy → cherrypy1.py → cherrypy3.py → cherrypy2.py → CherryPy → Evening lecture and CherryPy (24.05.05) → restarting with cherrypy 2.1 (16.11.05) → first successes with cherrypy as toolkit (23.01.06)
cherryserver → cherryserver.py
child → child() → Query: findone(), filter() and child() (23.03.06)
choose → gui
choosing → gui
cities → Cities → 10 → population of Belgian cities (03.05.05)
CitiesReport → CitiesReport
City → City
class → new class Populator (24.01.05) → class methods in Python 2.3 (23.03.06) → new class VolatileStore (03.04.06) → New class TestSession required? (30.08.06) → Task → UI → anyrange → TextPrinter → months → datatypes
cleaned → cleaned up (14.01.05)
clever → a clever solution (22.03.06)
click → storing entries before defaultButton.click() (23.01.05)
clip → recording time of avi clip (31.10.05)
code → Code changes → Code checkins → 27 → Task
codec → UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character...
codepage → codepage → prnprint on system with codepage 437 (17.11.05) → How to change the default console codepage (11.09.06)
codepages → About codepages
collection → scripts
column → forms.tixforms.DataGrid and column widths (11.02.06)
ColumnList → ColumnList
comes → Where the Runtime Data comes from
command → removed --progress command line option of sync (12.10.06)
command-line → command-line conversion "xxx to pdf" (04.04.05) → changed command-line parser setup (19.04.05) → sync: new command-line option "--ignore" (16.12.06) → scripts
Commands → Printer Control Commands
commit → commit fails (27.05.06) → Trying to commit (05.01.07) → 25
Committed → Committed revision 363 (08.04.06) → Committed revision 364 (08.04.06) → Committed revision 372. (02.05.06) → Committed revision 378. (01.06.06) → Committed revision 379. (14.06.06) → Committed revision 380. (15.06.06) → Committed revision 381. (22.06.06) → Committed revision 382. (22.06.06) → Committed revision 389. (09.07.06) → Committed revision 394. (15.07.06) → Committed revision 395 (19.07.06) → Committed revision 396 (21.07.06) → Committed revision 397 (22.07.06) → Committed revision 398 (23.07.06) → Committed revision 399 (24.07.06) → Committed revision 400 (09.08.06) → Committed revision 411 (11.08.06) → Committed revision 413 (12.08.06) → Committed revisions 414-415 (13.08.06) → Committed revision 416 (13.08.06) → Committed revision 418 (30.08.06) → Committed revision 419 (07.09.06) → Committed revision 420 (10.09.06) → Committed revision 422 (21.09.06) → Committed revision 423 (22.09.06) → Committed revision 428 (21.10.06) → Committed revision 429...435 (25.10.06) → Committed revision 436 (25.10.06) → Committed revision 440 (06.01.07) → Committed revision 441 (17.01.07) → Committed revision 449 (06.02.07) → Committed revision 440 (13.02.07) → Committed revision 455 (04.05.07)
common → Standard names for common keyboard events (22.06.06)
comparing → comparing Unicode and string (16.10.06)
complete → Raceman now a complete Forms application (26.01.05)
completely → sync completely rewritten (17.02.05)
complex → Even for complex queries
computed → prnprint computed wrong font size (13.01.05)
concurrent → EasyGUI another concurrent for lino.forms (24.02.05)
config → config
ConfigParser → ConfigParser and a local lino.cfg (22.03.06)
configure → configure()
connect → new Center.connect() (02.03.05)
Connection → Connection → working on firebird connection (07.09.05) → 27
connections → Multiple connections per database → multiple connections, populate() (10.01.05)
considerations → DataRow design considerations (31.03.06)
console → Console → console → console → console has now a progressbar() (04.02.05) → GUI console (06.03.05) → frozen console applications with non-ascii chars (10.03.05) → show GUI console window during startup (13.03.05) → system console and system session (01.07.05) → Windows Console Driver → frozen GUI applications and console output (09.03.05) → How to change the default console codepage (11.09.06) → Moved lino.ui to lino.console (23.05.05) → moving away from a singleton console (12.03.05) → another article about non-ascii console (18.03.05) → form, application, session, toolkit and console (08.03.06) → UI
ConsoleApplication → ConsoleApplication → ConsoleApplication (27.04.05) → CLI
contacts → Contacts → Contacts → Contacts → contacts → contacts_demo → contacts → contacts_tables → 4 → New demo data for Contacts (31.03.06) → Inserting rows in Contacts (13.09.06) → Changed database structure in Contacts (24.03.06)
contains → lino.scripts now contains real scripts (13.03.06)
content → Extracting text content from a PDF file (25.07.05) → 6 → fixed: risizing form doesn't resize content (18.01.05) → 32
contexts → shared tables with different language contexts (19.01.05)
continued → continued on lino.forms (17.01.05)
Control → Printer Control Commands
Contruction → Widget Contruction Kit (26.10.05)
conversion → command-line conversion "xxx to pdf" (04.04.05)
Convert → length2i() → sql2value()
converted → converted last but 1 testcases (19.02.06)
converting → converting tests (22.08.05) → Converting pinboard (13.02.06) → Converting races, ledger, examples (18.02.06)
converts → DbfReader converts empty strings to None (24.09.05)
copies → printing multiple copies using prnprint (28.06.05)
copyright → copyright notices in Lino files (13.01.05) → More about copyright notices (14.01.05)
copyrights → General information about copyrights (2005)
corresponding → 32
cosmetic → Cosmetic flaws (23.07.06)
covered → 4
cpas → keeper_cpas.py → moved keeper_cpas.py (23.03.06)
Crash → Crash in big addrbook demo (29.08.05) → Crash is because of SUBST (05.09.05) → Crash is not because of SUBST (06.09.05) → Is crash due to sqlite? (05.09.05) → pysqlite 2.0.4 solves the crash (12.09.05)
Create → 23
CreateReportRowDialog → CreateReportRowDialog
creates → syscon now creates an automatic Application (13.08.06) → New test 73 creates gendoc examples (26.10.06)
creating → Setting devmode.Orientation when creating the DC (09.08.06)
Credits → Credits
cryptography → cryptography with Python (09.05.06)
Currency → 21
currently → oogen
curses → curses
cursor → DBAPI 2.0 and cursor.rowcount (01.05.05)
customize → customize