- #2 : support other database bindings than sqlite [Waiting] — Candidates: bsddb, KirbyBase
- #3 : appendRow with value outside of leadTable [Waiting]
- #10 : use UNO bridge [Waiting] — It should be easy to implement a oogen Document that doesn't create a file but communicates with a running OpenOffice.
- #15 : use "msvcrt" module [Waiting] — It would be nice if message(), confirm() and decide() of an interactive Console would react to a simple keystroke, without waiting for ENTER. This could be done on Windows with msvcrt.getch().
- #13 : use "logging" module [Waiting]
- #19 : migrate from i18n to gettext [Waiting]
- #26 : openurl.py fails to open *new* browser with Firefox on Windows [Waiting] — openurl.py open the url in an existing browser window with Firefox on Windows. It seems that this is due to a bug in Mozilla: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=105470&aid=812089&group_id=5470
- #29 : interruptible jobs and tasks [Waiting]
- #35 : Firebird database driver [Waiting]