Type: Python module or package
Refering articles:
- forms.tixforms now shows tabular data (code changes 11.02.06) โ The Tkinter GUI (tix) can now display tables for the first time. I abandoned to try using Tix.TList after discovering another way. The other way slurps all data into memory and currently does not even react on keyboard events. But addrbook_demo.py now shows the data also when gui.choose("tix") is active. more
- Tkinter resource wiki (surf notes 10.02.06) โ I discovered the Tkinter resource wiki. Started table1 as a copy of aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/52266 and table2 as a copy of tkinter.unpythonic.net/wiki/SortableTable. โtkinter.unpythonic.net