- timtools 0.6.19 released (22.08.06) — The new TIM Tools installer for Win32 on the Download page fixes the problems related to Landscape printing.
- timtools 0.6.18 released (29.05.06) — Oops, in timtools 0.6.17 the new script sysinfo was missing. Bugfix release timtools-0.6.18-py2exe.zip
- timtools 0.6.17 released (28.05.06) — Features the new script sysinfo. timtools-0.6.17-py2exe.zip.
- commit fails (27.05.06) — Oops, I can no longer commit after an "Error bumping revisions post-commit". Now svn always says "File already exists: ..." more
- timtools 0.6.16 released (23.05.06) — This is to try whether win32print.OpenPrinter() resolves prnprint output shifted right.... (File timtools-0.6.16-py2exe.zip no longer available.) Committed revision 373.
- timtools 0.6.15 released (06.01.06) — New sync features for a customer.
- timtools 0.6.14 released (12.12.05) — [timtools-0.6.14-py2exe.zip] is available for download. The new Synchronizer features are soon to be used at a customer.
- timtools 0.6.13 released (17.11.05) — a bugfix release to fix prnprint on system with codepage 850 (17.11.05)
- timtools 0.6.12 released (17.10.05) — Bugfix release because of 20051017.
- Released timtools 0.6.11 (23.09.05) — This is a work-around release to avoid the «Hebrew transformation» bug (20.09.05). The prnprint.py in this release does not support landscape printing. Users with a printer where this problem occurs can now at least print portrait documents.
- TIM-Tools 0.6.10 released (06.07.05) — Release for a customer who needs printing multiple copies using prnprint.
- release 0.6.9 (timtools) (28.04.05) — prnprint.py
- release 0.6.8 (hello) (12.04.05) — Trying to reproduce problem 28 with a most simple program... more
- release 0.6.8 (07.04.05) — This release is just another try. There are two little changes. more
- 0.6.7 installation report (07.04.05) — Project timtools: slow startup after upgrade is still not solved with 0.6.7. more